Sunday, June 17, 2012

Visit to daddy's outdoor office

This weekend we took a day trip to daddy's outdoor office.  He's an
ecologist and monitors some fish comunities in some protected lakes
in-land.  When we go as the family we have a grill and then the boy's
go out on the boat to do some work and I hang with our youngest in
the woods. Last year she was in a carrier so there was so much to
explore this time! 

My wee man loves the novelty loo in the woods. We had the discussion
about only going if he needed a number 2 as there are spiders in there
that can bite your bottom. He said he definitely needed to go do that so
he went and guess what - he came back with a big smile after only
needing a number 1! 

Delighted boy after using the facilities and tricking mummy!

Some little pink bell flowers which I think are 'Bog Cranberry'. We will
harvest them in September/October.


  1. "If you go down in the woods today you're sure of a big surprise"..........

  2. oh how beautiful it is.
