Bread of Life
John 6:35 (NIV)
"35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."
Bread is a costly staple in Sweden. Here, in the north, an everyday sliced loaf costs around £2.50! If I remember correctly you get the equivalent for a £1.25 in the UK...maybe not such good bread though?!
I have been baking my own, every other day, for around 3 months now. The one above just came out of the oven. As a raising agent, I started using fresh yeast, which you can buy in the chiller cabinet, but now I use a sourdough, 'Surdeg', starter that my friend shared with me. The process takes much longer, in proving time - 6+2/4 hrs, but the results and flavour are infinitely better. I am excited about every loaf that comes out of the oven - they are all unique as I experiment with different flours, seeds, spices, oats and other grains every time (I'm a 'bit of this, and a bit of that' baker). One great tip for extra raising power is to put a puddle of boiling water in a baking tray at the bottom of the oven - the extra steam gives an extra boost. I now keep three 'pet' sourdoughs in the fridge and feed them once or twice a week depending on how much activity they've had. I think it is amazing that you can keep this living formula going for long as you water and feed it well!
Jesus (The bread of Life) offers an everlasting, full flavoured life to anyone that chooses to believe in, trust and follow him. I have chosen to eat this living bread and it tastes so good!