Wednesday, May 30, 2012

'O bring back my Hubbie to me'

Keeping myself occupied with the daily routine of looking after the children, the house, teacher meeting, school open day, shopping, joining in with 'mums who lunch' and gathering with house group friends this evening. People all around me and the days filled with ‘stuff’ but in both the stillness and chaos I think about my man who is absent and busy setting up his new ecological experiment on some lakes - one of the many reasons we are here in Sweden!  I love Sweden and I am thankful that we are here and have these activities and friends around us. I will maybe have another good night’s sleep tonight (at least without snoring) and persevere till tomorrow when I know he will return and bring his wife and two kids 'stor glädje och kramar' ('Great Joy & Hugs').


  1. Even a man who snores can be a gift from above.
